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Does Running Make You Taller? MythBuster

I would say most of us are never completely satisfied with the way we look. Most of us want to look and be the best we can be. Most of the time this includes wanting to be taller. Being short or even tall both have their benefits and drawbacks, but at the end of the day, most prefer to be tall. While some of these things could easily be fixed, altered, or even corrected, it is most often difficult or downright impossible to achieve. Sometimes we are just stuck with the way we look and we can’t do anything about it. Most of the time it is because of genetics. 

Not a lot of people actually look to try and become taller. I would say that this falls into the second category of things people want to change with their bodies. Now yes, people prefer to be taller, but most don’t actively try to actually become taller, because most of the time, it all relies on genetics. Although increasing your height may not be completely unachievable, growing taller is still a process that will require time and a lot of effort. 

Short people tend to often feel insecure about their bodies, and they feel less confident about themselves. They want to be taller, and they continue to look for ways to be taller. This doesn’t mean that being short is bad, it just means that there are a lot of restrictions being short and negatives. Being taller allows you to do more, it makes things easier, the same could be said for being too tall. 

I keep on getting this same question over and over again and I figured that it is best to finally answer this question. Does running make you taller? A lot of people actually believe that you can’t grow taller or increase your height in any way after a certain age past the age of 22. The truth is that you CAN actually grow some inches taller, and running can help. To answer the question, does running make you taller? I would say that the answer would be both Yes and No. 

Genetics is the primary determinant of your final height, but other factors can help you in this case.

At some point in your life, there is a very likely chance that you have asked yourself this one troubling question, “Is there anything I can do to make myself taller?” The truth is that both running and exercise can have a lot of great benefits for your body and overall health, but there are also benefits in place that are not well known. Although being tall in height is highly dependent on genetics, does running make you taller?

Well, the truth is, implementing running into your daily activities, has actually been proven to make you taller in certain ways. Being taller is highly dependent on your genetics, however, if you adopt a lifestyle of running, it will force you to make changes that can help you increase your height by a few inches. This may include improving your nutrition, better posture, more sleep, and frequent exercise. 

Although in some ways running does help make you taller, you will still have to do more than just jog or run if you want to expect any sort of significant results. 

Just like all good things in life, increasing your height will actually require lots and lots of hard work. You need to dedicate yourself to that goal and you need to be serious. Nothing good in life is easy to achieve, you need to work hard to get the good things in life. I know it sucks, but it has the truth. 

Benefits of Running

forrest gump running

I think we all know by now that running is beneficial for our body and health. 

Health experts always encourage people to go outside and get some physical activity, running is one of the greatest forms of physical activity. Parents always encourage their children to run as much as possible because it is beneficial for their health, mental development, and growth. Unfortunately, as we grow, we all just seem to forget about the benefits of running and how good it is for our bodies. 

Well, guess what, I am here to make sure you remember just how good running is for your body. 

Increases strength and energy levels

Although it is true that you spend and put in energy when running, after some time running, you will feel more energized in the process. 

Your muscles and bones will also grow stronger in the process, and if you combine different running styles in the process, it can help.

The most important step for you is to make sure that you stay fit. Running can help you lose weight and has the added benefit of making you look better.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Multiple health studies have shown and proved that running can reduce the risk of heart disease. This means that running can help defeat the risk of suffering, or possibly even death from heart disease. 

Improves mental health

If you run, it can help relieve stress, reduce anxiety, help with social interaction, and your sleep routine, and ultimately give you a goal that is worth accomplishing. Statistics have shown that running actually lowers the risk of depression by over 15%.


I have already mentioned this before but running does, as a matter of fact, help make you taller. If you push yourself to the limit and work hard, you can gain some inches in your height. 

If you want to make some sort of running exercise plan, make sure to consult a fitness professional or just use the power of the internet, you can most certainly find a way to make a plan through the internet for free.

How Does Running Make You Taller?

dinosaurs running

Jogging/Running is most certainly one exercise you can do to increase your height. It is something you should not miss out on. By jogging or even running, it helps you grow your leg bones naturally, and it can make them stronger. It can help to make your legs longer.

Science has shown that you can grow as much as 3-4 inches if you dedicate yourself to proper running exercises on a regular/daily basis.

But how exactly do you grow in height simply just by running?

  • HGH Hormone Boost – Running intensely and regularly can stimulate your pituitary gland which can produce more HGH [human growth hormone], which plays an important role in your body’s growth process.
  • Repairing Microfractures In Your Bones – If you run intensely for long distances, you can develop microfractures in the bones of your lower-leg area. If these microfractures become stretched and repaired, they can bring positive change to your height.
  • Improving Posture – Running can help to improve your posture. If you improve your posture, it can help you gain height and LOOK taller. If you are at a hunchback position/posture, the change in height would be clear to someone who has the perfect, proper posture. If you sprint/run, you can stretch your spine, therefore improving or fixing your posture.
  • Making Your Body Look Lean – Running is a great way to lose weight. It is known that those who are lean, tend to appear and look taller.

You should also look to fix your sleeping routine, avoid growth repressors such as drugs, smoke, alcohol, trying additional exercises with your running, and having an appropriate diet plan.

Running Training That Can Potentially Make You Taller

Not every form of running can actually make you taller. In order to get the best results, the ideal results, you need to put in a lot of hard work and dedication. Try sticking to short-running bursts as it can be most effective in the production of the HGH hormone. 

If you want the IDEAL running routine, perform the following…

  • Start with a slight jog in a 70-80 yard cycle
  • It is best to find a track and field as it is a lot easier to track. I recommend you set a target point. Find your start position and your destination position so that you can track your routine.
  • Have 2-3 minutes of rest. It is crucial that you have rest breaks, ideally walking breaks. 
  • Repeat this cycle roughly around 6-8 times, but each time, you are increasing the intensity of your run. You may start out with a jog, but in the end, you will end with a sprint with your last run. 
  • Try and do this two times a day, 4-5 days a week
  • You can reduce the frequency if you run when you start to achieve the results you desire

Now that I have given a rough draft of this routine, it doesn’t mean you HAVE to follow this to see results. You can make your own routine, go to a professional, or even do some of your own research online. 

Are you trying to get taller because you want to be able to dunk a basketball?

If so…

Check out the vertical jump training program, Vert Shock, a vertical jump program designed to help you increase your vertical jump not only for dunking reasons but to help you jump taller heights in general.

vert shock jump secrets revealed

Ways Running Can Make You Taller

Helps With Posture

Posture is surely one of the most important things that help make you taller, and most importantly, make you appear taller. Studies have shown that running can in many ways contribute to your height. Most importantly it can help by stretching your spine. The spine is related to your posture and plays a big role in your posture. If you have an inactive lifestyle or don’t do much physical activity, it can lead to poor posture, and end up compressing your spinal vertebrae. Most people who have a messed up spine, are often those who sit in chairs a lot, mostly gamers. I don’t know if you have ever heard of the term nerd neck, but that is essentially what it is. 

Sitting all day can negatively affect your posture. You are constantly just hunching over looking at your computer screen or your phone, and this can cause something called [hunchback]. If you continue to sit in this position, over time your body will begin to build muscle while you are in that position as you are in that stressed position. Slouching behavior can cause you to appear a couple of inches shorter than you actually are. I personally have this problem myself, and I am currently in the process of fixing it myself.

By implementing running into your lifestyle, it can force you to have a better posture, because of the posture that you have while you run. You are standing up straight, with your chest out, in the perfect posture. Running has also proven to build muscles in your upper body, which means that these muscles can counteract those negative muscles that were built with you slouching as you sat in the past. In this sense, running can make you taller by improving your posture to a strong, upright position.


Studies have actually shown that nutrition is a very important factor when it comes down to growing taller. As you run, it may not help directly in terms of making you taller, but just eating like a runner, can help make you taller. If you adopt a running lifestyle, it can influence you to eat healthier and eat more nutritious foods. Doing all of this, not only will it help you feel good every time you run, but it will also give you all the nutrients that you need to grow taller. Healthy eating can lead to you growing taller, and running can lead to eating healthier, it is a cycle and has been proven to work.


This may seem like an odd one but it certainly does work. As well as nutrition, sleep is another factor that can help you grow taller. Studies have shown that running, and doing running workouts, can improve your sleep quality, mainly because running tires your body out and that helps you get a better night of sleep. After doing a running workout, your muscles will want to rest and sleep, so that they can recover and grow stronger. If you adopt a running lifestyle, you will feel able to sleep a lot easier as well. Depending on your age, you should aim to sleep between 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. If you get a good night’s sleep, it will help prepare you for the next workout, allowing you to grow taller. If you want your muscles to grow, you will want the perfect sleep.


I feel like I have already gone over this, but here it goes. Running has a lot of benefits, and one of the main ones includes helping your muscles and body grow. When you work out, your muscles expand and contract. If you get the right amount of nutrients and recover the right way, your muscles will be able to grow stronger and grow in LENGTH. It is crucial to work out your leg muscles, your core, and your back. Running is ultimately a full-body workout and builds muscles in each and every one of these areas. By strengthening your muscles, they actually slightly elongate, because you will have more strength to both straighten your muscles and flex them.

Healthy Exercise

If you run regularly and often, your overall health can improve. By running you’re boosting your immune system, preventing your body from getting any sort of disease. Running can also make your muscles feel relaxed. If you run regularly, it can also help decrease the chances of getting any heart disease such as a heart attack. It can also reduce the chances of suffering from diabetes.

Lose Weight

Running can help decrease any sort of excess weight. Many people should know by now that running is a great way to lose weight. Although losing weight just doesn’t magically help you become taller, it can help make you LOOK taller. It is an illusion and it certainly does work. For example, I noticed that when my friend was skinnier, at a healthy weight, he looked taller. When he was fat he looked shorter. It is an illusion, but it certainly does make sense.

Mental Condition

If you didn’t know before, now you know, that running can also help in improving mental condition. It can help to eliminate depression, relieve stress, and prevent any sort of tension and headaches. Running can also help with some hormones in your brain, keeping you in a good mood. Running actually releases “feel-good” hormones or endorphins which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and pain. Not only that, but running can help with your confidence. 

Here are some other things that running also does that can help make you taller:

  • Stimulate the growth hormone
  • Repairing Microfractures

Harmful Things You Need To Avoid

If you truly want to grow taller, you need to look to avoid the following…

  • Smoking
  • Bad Diet/Nutrition
  • Extreme Exercise
  • Anxiety and Stress

Best Way To Run So That You Can Increase Your Height

Here are some strategies you can apply so that you can add some inches to your height by running.

  • Sprinting
  • Running Regularly/Daily
  • Incorporating Other Exercises Related to Running

Final Thoughts

If you have read all the way through and paid attention to everything I had to say, you should now finally have your answer. However, it truly is a lot more complicated than that.

The question was, “Does running make you taller?” 

Well, it is complicated because the answer is both YES and NO. The reason being that yes running can actually make you taller, but in most ways, it can just help you LOOK taller rather than actually making you taller. Now the answer is also yes because it actually can make you taller, but only minimally. You will see around 2-4 inches of growth in the end. For most, this will actually be a lot. In the end, the answer to this question would be yes, but to some people, it would be in between.

I personally don’t see this as a myth, because it actually is true. If you have already tried it in the past and you saw no results, well it is most likely because you just didn’t try hard enough or didn’t try it PROPERLY.


Find the proper running routine that works for you, get some good sleep, avoid any growth repressors, and have a healthy diet. 

Push yourself to the limit, and never give up.

So again, to answer the question, YES, running can actually make you taller and APPEAR TALLER! If you adopt a running lifestyle, it can force you to change your lifestyle in a way that promotes positive growth practices. Important factors by improving your posture, getting better sleep, exercising, and having a healthy diet, are all factors that can help increase your growth rate. As long as you are careful and dedicated, you can grow taller. I guess the main thing to look at is that running, can help promote you to do things, and those things can help you grow taller. Having a healthier body, sleeping better, improving your posture, eating better, all of these THINGS can help you grow taller. Running encourages you to do these things.

Again, although it can help you grow taller, doesn’t mean you should look to RELY heavily on this to become taller. If you want to try it though, it does work.